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St. Francis of Assisi

October 4


“The desire to bring each person to Christ vivifies his apostolate and makes him ready and capable of overcoming any obstacle and, if need be, of laying down his life for the salvation of all.” (Con. 194)



Br. Antoni Kaczmarek, 1948, Rome, Italy
Fr. Henry Stec, 1969, Chicago, USA
Fr. Anthony Rybarczyk 1970, Loma Linda, USA
Fr. Stefan Michalczyk, 1974, Pescara, Italy
Fr. Antoni Petrov, 1977, Povdiv, Bulgaria


First Vows:

Fr. Antonio Rencricca, 1958, Italy


  1. That we may imitate the spirit of the Founders.
  2. For God’s blessings on the people of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Kitchener.
  3. For those named in honour of Saint Francis, especially for our Holy Father, Pope Francis.



“Just as happens when we fall in love with someone, whenever St. Francis would gaze at the sun, the moon or the smallest of animals, he would burst into song, drawing all other creatures into his praise.” (Laudato Si’, 11)


October 4
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