St. Apollinaris

FOCAL POINT: “Wherever local circumstances permit, the religious will come together each day for common prayer. … A community Mass, preferably concelebrated, will be held wherever and whenever feasible.” (Con. 67 & 68)   Deceased: Br. Angelo Segatori, 1921, St. Mary, USA Fr. Wladyslaw Filipski, 1928, Rome, Italy Fr. Ireneusz Hanzewniak, 2012, Poznan, Poland   […]

St. Mary Magdalene

FOCAL POINT: “’Go and tell them I am Risen’ is the motto of the Apostles of the Resurrection. With these words the Risen Jesus sends Mary Magdalene to announce His resurrection to the Apostles – this is why Mary Magdalene is called ‘the Apostle to the Apostles’. … This is why St. Mary Magdalene is […]

St. Bridget

FOCAL POINT: “For the perfect fulfillment of our vows and in order to truly die together with Christ, the spirit of mortification is necessary. … Therefore, we will carry out everything properly and faithfully, courageously face all adversities and lovingly and eagerly conquer all difficulties and anything that can turn us away from God.” (Con. […]

St. Sharbel Makhluf

FOCAL POINT: “Above all, we strive to acquire internal mortification, which includes recollection, silence and the awareness of God’s presence. These forms of mortification are all the more necessary considering the fact that we are called to the apostolic life.” (Con. 81)   Deceased: Fr. Henry Panfil, 1971, Fontana, USA Fr. John Bocian, 1974, Woodstock, […]

St. James

FOCAL POINT: “We regard the practice of external mortification as a necessary means to give our wills more perfect control over our other facilities. Mortification will help us attain the freedom of the sons of God and will make us more receptive to God’s graces.” (Con. 82)   Deceased: Fr. Karol Falinski, 1923, Tarnow, Poland […]

Sts. Anne & Joachim

FOCAL POINT: “The Congregation desires that one of our principal external mortifications will be that we carry out our apostolic labors faithfully and zealously. Also, we will be ready to accept sickness, other human limitations and the demands of common life with patience and submission to the will of God.” (Con. 82)   Deceased: Fr. […]

July 27

FOCAL POINT: “The Superior General … serves the entire Congregation through Canonical Visitations and frequent contact; he promotes unity, fruitful community life and fidelity to the Congregation’s Charism.” (Con. 87)   Deceased: Fr. Peter Popa, 1885, Chicago, USA   For fidelity to our charism and our vows, and for the spirit of the resurrection. For […]

Sts. Martha, Mary and Lazarus

FOCAL POINT: “The Visitation should take place in an atmosphere of fraternal love and confidence, and lead to spiritual and apostolic growth.” (Con. 102)   Deceased: Fr. Jerome Cwiak, 1961, San Luis Obispo, USA Fr. Jerzy Smolinski, 2013, Vienna, Austria   For our Congregation, our superiors and for vocations to our Congregation. That our monthly […]

Saint Peter Chrysologus

FOCAL POINT: “In individual interviews, the Superior General will call to the attention of the members matters that pertain to the religious, priestly and apostolic life and discipline.” (Con. 102)   Deceased: Fr. Raffaello Ferrigno, 1895, Verona, Italy Fr. Adolf Drewniak, 1942, Vienna, Austria Fr. Edward Golnik, 1964, Winnetka, USA Fr. Stanislaw Landzwojczak, Krakow, Poland […]

St. Ignatius of Loyola

FOCAL POINT: “The Provincial Superior and his Council will coordinate, direct and stimulate the internal and external apostolate of the entire Province through close contact with the individual religious and the local communities.” (Con. 121)   Deceased: Cl. Franciszek Ofierzynski, 1895, Koscian, Poland Fr. Boguslaw Borzyszkowski, 2019, Puck, Poland   For the grace to imitate […]

St. Alphonsus Liguori

FOCAL POINT: “The strength of the Congregation is dependent upon the intensity of the spiritual life and the fruitful apostolic life of each local community. Therefore, individual houses will be vital Christian communities where the faith, hope and love of each religious is both expressed and developed.” (Con. 135)   Deceased: Fr. Norbert Dentinger, 1966, […]