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Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

September 1


“Prayer is at the very heart of religious formation. Religious need to be versed in the various forms of prayer and, through time spent in prayer each day, need to experience a deep awareness of God in their lives.” (Con. 153)



Br. Stanislaw Golonka, 1941, Rome, Italy
Fr. Walter Wilczek, 2010, Chicago, USA


First Vows:

Fr. Andrzej Lewandowski, 1982, USA


  1. For the Church, our Holy Father and for our local ordinary.
  2. That our Constitutions may be for us a statement of our commitment, a book of meditation and a way of life.
  3. That we may work tirelessly in our care for all God’s creation.



“Although God’s love for us is the basis of an authentic Christian spirituality, it is not a truth we easily arrive at and personally experience.” (Eight Principles of Resurrectionist Spirituality, 4)


September 1
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