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The Most Holy Name of Mary

September 12


“Spiritual formation continues along the lines laid out in the Novitiate program: a deepening awareness of the life and works of the Founders, a growing union with the Risen Christ through prayer and the exercise of fraternal charity in living the common life in simplicity, and an increasingly self-disciplined life based on the Gospel which witnesses to the death and resurrection of Christ.” (Con. 163)



Deacon Bartlomiej Morawiec, 1903, Adrianople, Bulgaria
Fr. Teodor Dembinski, 1928, Siemianowice, Poland


  1. For our country, for civil rulers and for peace in the world.
  2. For our Jewish and Muslim brothers and sisters.
  3. That the Holy Name of Mary may offer us protection.



“Worship is not only the truest prayer; it is also the basis of all prayer. … Worship prepares us for the whole range of prayer, it also leads us to spiritual freedom in general.” (Eight Principles of Resurrectionist Spirituality, 45)


September 12
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