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St. John Chrysostom

September 13


“Doctrinal formation continues through growth in the personal assimilation of the mysteries of faith and in the ability to communicate these mysteries in terms understandable to the culture and the times.” (Con. 164)



Fr. Aloysius Orzechowski, 1998, Chicago, USA


  1. For our parents, relatives, friends and benefactors, and for those who have recommended themselves to our prayers.
  2. For couples preparing for marriage.
  3. John Chrysostom was known for his great preaching and teaching, may we be graced to follow his example in our proclamation of faith.



“A person begins life with nothing of their own making, and what they later possess is not something they have totally earned or deserved. He has it primarily because God wished them to have it.” (Eight Principles of Resurrectionist Spirituality, 46)


September 13
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