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Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian

September 16


“Those responsible for formation will be careful to respect the human dignity and the special divine vocation of persons entrusted to their care. In guiding the growth and development of the individual, Formators will take into account his natural and supernatural endowments, as well as, interests and inclinations, so as to enable the individual with these God-given talents to make the greatest possible contribution to the work and progress of the Congregation.” (Con. 169)



Fr. Pawel Marek Szymanowski, 1982, Poland
Fr. Lukasz Wasikiewicz, 1989, Poland


  1. For the conversion of sinners, and for all in affliction, temptation and agony.
  2. For the grace of perseverance for those who are in initial formation.
  3. For the continued intercession of St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian upon the Church.



“A formation program in which the person is recognized and treated as having dignity flowing from God’s creation will have the characteristics of compassion, encouragement, forgiveness, unity and especially gratitude.” (Eight Principles of Resurrectionist Spirituality, 53)


September 16
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