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Blessed Andre Grasset – Labour Day – Canada

September 2


“Prayer is to be constant and preserving so that their studies, apostolate and indeed all their activities will flow from a prayerful heart, united at all times with God, our heavenly Father.” (Con 153)



Fr. Daniel Hinc, 1982, Poland


  1. For our Congregation, our superior and for vocations to our Congregation.
  2. For the intercession of Blessed Andre, first Canadian born person to be beatified and martyred for the faith during the French Revolution.
  3. For the sanctification of all human labour, and for all who labour for the benefit of others, may we appreciate and give thanks for their labour.



“The possibility exists for our experience of God’s love to surpass our experience of all other loves extended to us. “(Eight Principles of Resurrectionist Spirituality, 4)


September 2
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