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St. Andrew Kim Tae-Gon, Paul Chong Ha-Sang, and Companions

September 20


“The Community shall offer Mass once a month in each house for the following intentions: for the Holy Father; for blessings for our Congregation; for living and deceased benefactors and parents of members of the Congregation; for the deceased members of the Congregation; and for vocations to the consecrated life and priesthood.” (Con. 73)



Fr. Denis Oross, 1991, Chicago, USA


  1. For our Congregation, our superior and for vocations.
  2. For the people of Korea as they honour and celebrate their many martyrs who gave their lives in order to advance the faith.
  3. For those who are actively dying, for the grace to embrace the Risen Lord.



“Notwithstanding the fact that vowed life and formation to it are a mutual discernment process involving both the candidate and the community, through the vows the religious commit themselves personally.” (Eight Principles of Resurrectionist Spirituality, 57)


September 20
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