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St. Jean De Brebeuf, St. Isaac Jogues and Companions

September 26


“Apostolic endeavors always take into account the demands of a changing world and the needs of the contemporary Church as well as the needs of community life.” (Con. 191)



Fr. Waclaw Nowacki, 1895, Krakow, Poland
Br. Rajmund Jaszczynski, 1939, Warsaw, Poland
Fr. James O’Connor, 1969, La Paz, Bolivia
Fr. Walter Strub, 1969, La Paz, Bolivia
Fr. Jan Tyminski, 2023, Gdansk, Poland



Fr. Andrzej Duda, 1963, Poland
Cl. Joseph Juma Chacha, 1992, Tanzania


  1. For the living and deceased parents of members of the Congregation and our benefactors.
  2. For peace in our world.
  3. For the French Jesuit martyrs, the first North American saints, may we honor them on this day.



“We need to be aware of our emotions, feel at ease when they well up within us, see them as friends which enable us to live or lives more fully.” (Eight Principles of Resurrectionist Spirituality, 67)


September 26
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