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Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – World Day of Migrants and Refugees

September 29


“For the Resurrectionist, the apostolate represents a call through Christ to lead an apostolic life imbued with a deep and lasting faith, ‘without which it is impossible to please God’ (Hebrew 11:6)”. (Con. 193)



Michal Osuch, 1953, Poland


  1. For our community apostolates of parish work and teaching, and for the people we serve, as well as, for those who assist us in our ministry.
  2. For all benefactors of the Congregation, both living and deceased.
  3. For blessings upon all migrants and refugees, may they find the welcome and peace they seek.



“The intellect was created to seek the truth; the will is intended to choose freely what is good for the person. Original sin interferes with the intellect and the will pursuing their proper objects.” (Eight Principles of Resurrectionist Spirituality, 72)


September 29
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