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Blessed Dina Belanger

September 4


“In the formation of an integrated and mature religious, it is important that all aspects and talents of the religious be developed simultaneously: the physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and social.” (Con. 155)



Br. Jan Lalewicz, 1954, Radziwillow, Poland
Fr. Bernard Bak, 1973, Chicago, USA
Fr. Joseph Schaeffer, 1975, Rome, Italy
Fr. Marek Kabsz, 2019, Warsaw, Poland


Final Vows:

Br. Mariusz Kowalski, 2016, Poland


  1. For our parents, relatives, friends and benefactors, and for all who have recommended themselves to our prayers.
  2. For vocations to the Congregation of the Resurrection.
  3. For the Canadian Congregation – Religieuses de Jesu-Marie, as they celebrate Blessed Dina Belanger.



“God loves us and wishes that we experience His love through our personal relationship. Our whole life is His gift to us and expression of His love.” (Eight Principles of Resurrectionist Spirituality, 12)


September 4
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