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St. Angela Merici

January 27


“We will proclaim the Paschal Mystery in our apostolates through preaching and teaching the certainty of God’s love for each of us and His will to save us by uniting us to the death and resurrection of Jesus.” (Con. 1)



Br. Francesco Moron, 1873, Rome, Italy
Fr. John Klek, 1995, Chicago, USA


  1. For our country, and for all civil rulers.
  2. For parents, relatives, friends and benefactors, and for all those who have recommended themselves to our prayers.
  3. For the Company of St. Ursula, founded by St. Angela Merici, whose ministry is the education of women.



“As Resurrectionists, we embrace the Paschal Mystery by which we strive to die to self and rise with Christ in order to more fully live the life of Christ.” (Provincial Pastoral Handbook, 1)


January 27
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