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St. Anthony Zaccaria

July 5


“Liturgical prayer, which is offered to God in union with Christ and in His name, is given the primary place in our life of prayer, because it is in this prayer especially that we offer the Father perfect praise and also that we experience our oneness with all the people of God.” (Con. 56)



Br. Anthony Fronk, 1966, Chicago, USA
Fr. Leonard Bandosz, 2011, Poznan, Poland


  1. For the grace to imitate our Founders.
  2. For our members in the missions.
  3. For families who vacation together during these summer days.



“In the Church’s tradition religious profession is considered to be a special and fruitful deepening of the consecration received in Baptism, inasmuch as it is the means by which the close union with Christ already begun in Baptism develops in the gift of a fuller, more explicit and authentic configuration to him through the profession of the evangelical counsels.” (Vita Consecrata, 30)


July 5
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