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St. Maria Goretti

July 6


“The Eucharist is the central act of our daily life because it is here, through our participation in Christ’s Paschal Mystery by dying and rising with Him, that we encounter the deepest meaning of the Resurrection.” (Con. 57)



Br. Franciszek Staniewski, 1885, Rome, Italy
Fr. Joseph Wise, 1999, Des Plaines, USA
Fr. John Stephen, 2011, Des Plaines, USA
Fr. Tadeusz Kaszuba, 2021, Krakow, Poland



Fr. Ryszard Burda, 1957, Poland


  1. For the conversion of sinners and for all in affliction, temptation and agony.
  2. For those seeking employment.
  3. In thanksgiving for the martyrdom and example of St. Maria Goretti.



“By virtue of their rebirth in Christ, all the faithful share a common dignity; all are called to holiness; all cooperate in the building up of the one Body of Christ, each in accordance with the proper vocation and gift which he or she has received from the Spirit.” (Vita Consecrata, 31)


July 6
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