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Fifth Sunday of Easter

April 28


As our faith grows, we will come to recognize that the Holy Spirit speaks to us in many different ways: Sacred Scriptures, the Magisterium, the prescriptions of our Constitutions and Statutes, and ecclesiastical and religious Superiors.” (Con. 43)



Fr. Stefan Pawlicki, 1916, Krakow, Poland
Br. Ladislaus Rokosh, 1926, Chicago, USA
Fr. Stanislaw Szulhaczewicz, 2018, Zlocieniec, Poland



Fr. Kazimierz Sawoscianik, 1956, Poland
Fr. Wojciech P. Pelka, 1973, Poland



Fr. Ryszard Burda, 1984, Poland
Fr. Andrzej Gieniusz, 1984, Poland
Fr. Jacek Krzekotowski, 1984, Poland
Fr. Andrzej Skrzypczak, 1984, Poland
Fr. Herbert Sojka, 1984, Poland
Fr. Grzegorz Wisniewski, 1984, Poland
Fr. Juliusz Figlak, 2007, Poland
Fr. Krzysztof Janik, 2007, Poland
Fr. Pawel Kruczek, 2007, Poland
Fr. Szczepan Matula, 2007, Poland
Fr. Wojciech Mleczko, 2007, Poland
Fr. Zbigniew Skora, 2007, Poland
Fr. Damian Stachowiak, 2007, Poland
Fr. Piotr Starmach, 2007, Poland


  1. For continued cooperation among the province/regions in areas of the apostolate as well as in formation.
  2. For those in our Congregation who are struggling with their faith.
  3. For the gift of wisdom for our superiors.



The missions of the Congregation continue to be a priority.” (Provincial Statute, 85)


April 28
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