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Sts. Jerome Emiliani and Josephine Bakhita

February 8, 2026


This life of union with Christ expresses itself through our union with our brothers in community, and will overflow into our apostolic life, which strives to bring to completion the establishment of Christ’s kingdom.” (Con. 5)



Br. Marian Turalski, 1988, Brantford, Canada


  1. For our deceased members and benefactors, for all of the faithful departed, and for the one who will die first among us.
  2. For all of the suffering members of Christ’s body throughout the world, that their sufferings may bring them closer to the Lord.
  3. For the Somaschi Fathers who celebrate their founder, St. Jerome Emiliani, and for the Canossian Sisters who celebrate one of their members today, St. Josephine Bakhita.



“An expression of a strong common life is that hospitality which invites our own Resurrectionists brothers and others not only into our home but also into our lives of faith, and ultimately attracts new members to our Congregation.” (Vision of Hope, 4)



February 8, 2026
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