Prayers for the Deceased

On Thursday September 15th, 2022, the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, the Ontario-Kentucky CRs gathered at Mount Hope Cemetery in Kitchener to celebrate this community feast day with a commemoration of the deceased members of our province.

In our Constitutions, we read that:

“The feasts of the Resurrection, the Immaculate Conception, the Assumption and Our Lady of Sorrows are considered Community feasts and are to be celebrated in a solemn manner.”(Constitutions, 78)


“In our tradition we have claimed her as the mother of our Congregation and have been dedicated to promoting her honor. She is the model of what salvation is for each of us. In her Immaculate Conception she was freed from sin. As the Mother of Sorrows she shared in the sufferings of her son. In her Assumption she was raised up to share in the risen life of Jesus. If we follow her as our model we learn to share in the passion, death and resurrection of her Son and we, too, will be freed from sin and will share in his new life in the Spirit.” (Constitutions, 8) 

May all those who have died with Christ, share also in His Resurrection. 

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us!

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