Discernment and Formation Process
Stages of Formation in the Congregation of the Resurrection
The Congregation of the Resurrection is a religious community whose formation program follows the guidelines set by the Catholic Church. In forming new members, we emphasize human, spiritual, doctrinal, pastoral, and professional growth. At the same time, we strive to deepen our understanding of the spirit of our Founders and to live more faithfully the unique Charism and Mission of our Congregation.
Our formation takes place in two main phases: initial formation and ongoing/continuing formation. The formation process begins with initial discernment, where candidates work with our Vocation Team to explore their calling and the Resurrectionist way of life. This is followed by the pre-novitiate, which involves living in a religious house, engaging in community life, and preparing for the novitiate. The novitiate is a time for deepening one’s commitment through prayer, study, and preparation for temporary vows. Finally, the post-novitiate stage focuses on education and ministry training while preparing for a lifelong commitment. However, it is important to remember that formation does not end here. As Resurrectionists, we believe that ongoing formation is essential for everyone. This lifelong process helps us deepen our relationship with Christ and continually discern how best to serve the community and the Church.
Initial Discernment
This is the very first stage in the discernment process. It’s a time when you begin to explore whether God is truly calling you to religious life. It’s an opportunity to reflect on your own heart and ask: Is God inviting me to live as a religious? Is He calling me to be part of the Congregation of the Resurrection?
During this stage, we are here to support and guide you. Our Vocation Team is happy to walk with you as you begin this journey. We invite you to spend time with us and get to know our way of life, our Charism, and our Mission. You can join discernment dinners, “Come and See” events, or longer programs designed to help you understand what it means to live a Resurrectionist vocation. These experiences give you a chance to meet members of our Congregation, visit our ministries, and witness firsthand how we bring the hope and joy of Christ’s Resurrection to the Church and the world. This stage is about listening, praying, and being open to where God is leading you. We are here to help you every step of the way.

Pre-Novitiate Formation
Once you sense that God may indeed be inviting you to join our religious community, you can apply for our pre-novitiate program.
“The goal of the pre-novitiate stage is to enable the person to investigate Resurrectionist life and history, and to assist the person in the discernment of a solid vocational decision. The candidate at this stage is not yet professed; however, he is clearly identified as someone desiring to enter the vocational discernment process.”
During the pre-novitiate program, you will live in one of our religious houses, taking part in community prayer, daily life, and ministry activities. Throughout this period, you will continue meeting with the vocation director and other team members, who will help you determine if you’re ready to move forward to the novitiate. Although the duration of this stage in formation may vary, it typically lasts no less than a year.

The novitiate is a special and sacred time in your journey toward religious life. Here, you prepare to take the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, learning what it truly means to live as a consecrated religious. As our community’s documents affirm, the novitiate is designed to help you deepen your commitment to the Risen Christ through your eventual profession of vows in the Congregation of the Resurrection. This preparation involves personal growth in self-awareness and self-acceptance, as well as the study of our Congregation’s history, tradition, and spirituality under the guidance of the novice director. At the end of the novitiate, you will profess temporary vows for one year, officially becoming a vowed member of our community and moving into the next stage of initial formation, known as post-novitiate.
The pre-novitiate and novitiate programs typically take place in the Kitchener-Waterloo area (Canada). After you profess your temporary vows, you will continue your post-novitiate formation in the United States, where you will further develop your understanding of our charism and mission before making a permanent commitment as a Resurrectionist.
“The goal of the post-novitiate formation is the personal development of the whole man; to help him grow in Christian maturity by becoming more aware of his sinfulness and God’s merciful love, to help him deepen his vowed commitment to the Risen Christ, to help him adapt his personal life in order to strengthen common life and to help him develop his gifts and talents so that he may use them in the apostolic work of the Congregation.”
The post-novitiate is the stage of formation where newly vowed members continue to grow in their spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral lives. This phase includes academic and professional preparation, depending on the individual’s vocation:
- Candidates for the priesthood engage in theological studies, often pursuing a Master of Divinity degree as part of their preparation for ordination.
- Brother candidates undertake programs of study and/or training based on their future ministry. This could include theological studies, educational training, etc.
The purpose of post-novitiate formation is twofold. It supports members as they discern their readiness for perpetual profession – a lifelong commitment to the Congregation of the Resurrection – and it equips them with the skills and knowledge needed to carry out their ministries effectively, whether as priests or brothers.