Sunday Reflections
Solemnity of Mary
Sunday, January 1, 2023

Reflection by:
Fr. Paul Voisin, CR
Perhaps we are all familiar with a famous sculpture by Auguste Rodin called ‘The Thinker’. Today, on this Feast of Mary, the Mother of God, we recognize the Blessed Mother as one who “ponders”, as she begins to reflect on the great things that have happened to her since the birth of her Son. The coming of the shepherds, in response to the announcement of the angels, gave Mary a lot to ponder. This was only one of many times that Mary would “treasure … in her heart” all of these surprises. Beginning with the “Yes” of Mary to the angel Gabriel, her life was filled with surprises, filled with interventions of God, leading her – eventually – to the foot of the cross. The life of Mary invites us to also live with the surprises and uncertainties of a new year with faith, as she did, and be open to how God will act in our lives, leading us to “ponder” His love and truth, and our role in sharing in His life, and sharing it with the world.