St. Bernadette Parish

Fr. Jim Donohue.

I was able to visit St. Bernadette Parish in Severn, Maryland on the last weekend of July. I ministered at this parish for about 30 years. I began while I was doing my studies at Catholic University even before I started teaching at Mount St. Mary’s University in 1996. I started each Mass by saying that it was so good to see “old” faces, but I quickly corrected myself and said “familiar” faces! The pastor, Fr. Austin Murphy, was very gracious in having me and Deacon Dan Miller was a great host throughout the weekend.

Vicki and David proclaimed the readings and Ginger led the responsorial psalm at the Saturday evening liturgy…followed by the homily by “yours truly.”

I talked about the gratitude I felt in celebrating my 40th anniversary of priesthood, the joy of being back at St. Bernadette Parish, and the wonderful experiences I am having ministering in Tanzania. People tell me that I need to be more “expressive!”

There was a reception after Mass where I made a short presentation about my time in the Buhemba Parish…many great questions and incredible interest!

I preached and presided at two more Masses on Sunday, followed by a presentation after each Mass.

The parish arranged a photo display of some great moments at St. Bernadette, including my appearance at a fundraiser as a clown!

The “old” guys reunited! We solved many problems over the years!
More to come on

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