The BIG 70!

A big baby (10 lbs.1 oz. = 4.6 kg) was born on February 20, 1955, at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto, Ontario to Betty and Gene Donohue.

Everyone in the Formation House made my birthday a very special day. We had prayers in the morning and in the evening, as well as a wonderful dinner with cards, gifts, cake, ice cream, and singing and dancing!

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There was a delicious cake that became equipped with fireworks! I know not to stand in the direct line of combustion.

I am never quite sure what will happen when the firecracker is lighted…will it explode…will it just fizzle out…will it start a fire?????

I was given a lovely photo of me and Fr. Andrzej discussing something. As usual, I am in my “listening posture” at the feet of one more knowledgeable than I!

Here is a “close-up” of the photo gift! Notice that I have a diet Pepsi close at hand.

I was also given a beautiful hand-made card with a touching message inside.

Then there was a gift and two gallons of ice cream: strawberry (presented by Livinus) and chocolate (presented by Patrice). I shared.

There is a tradition of pouring water on the birthday-person. Livinus and Valentino approached with a pail of water. I reminded them that I had not graded their final exam yet. They changed their minds.

The gift was a case of diet Pepsi and a hand-made Maasai cross.

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All in all, it was a great day. And I don’t feel a day over 85!!!!!!! It is nice to know that Pope Francis, Fr. Evandro, and our Founders are looking over us.

More to come on

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