I am sure that you had figured out what had happened before Mass at Kizaru Matongo outstation. Yes, we had a tire puncture! So, first we needed to descend to the scene of the crime!
This is the entrance to the small road that travels up to the outstation church building. I am not even sure if the pickup could have navigated this. Some people told us that the government had recently graded the road, but the result was that all the roads that run off the main road became very difficult to turn into.
Br. Michael and I had two altar servers with us: Augustino and David. (His name in Swahili is “Dauid,” but he told me that he likes “David” better.) They were both very helpful, but especially David who became Br. Michael’s right hand man.
Some might be wondering about my role. I would put it under a combination of photo-taking, official encourager, and overall supervisor. Truth is, I think that this is beyond me at this age in life. Besides, remember when we used to have real jacks that were easy to use? Now, we have these tiny jacks that you have turn incessantly to raise the vehicle to change the tire!
You can see that it is the right front tire that is flat.
Thank goodness, we had a spare tire because we really were in the middle of nowhere. Nothing in one direction….

At least I was supervising and taking photos. Augustino, what is your job????

I don’t know what we would have done without Br. Michael and David!
More to come on www.resurrectionists.ca
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