To What Does God Call?

A Resurrectionist Vocation Minute for April 21, 4th Sunday of Easter
Good Shepherd / Vocation Sunday

To What Does God Call? 

Fr. Peter Semenenko CR, the Co-Founder of the Resurrectionists, answers, “the individual is called to give himself to God completely, without restriction, and since this is a most sublime act, it must also be completely free […] Once a person understands what it means to give oneself to God completely, and knows how much happiness is to be found in doing so, the vocation is practically certain. The reason for this is simple. Such an attraction can come from nowhere else but from God, and God does not provide such an attraction without a purpose. His purpose is that the goal to which one is attracted be achieved”.

In other words, in responding to our vocation, we entrust ourselves entirely into the hands of Jesus, our Good Shepherd. If you are wondering how to discern if God is calling you to religious life, consider joining us for a Come and See Day.

“Our life finds fulfilment when we discover who we are, what our gifts are, where we can make them bear fruit, and what path we can follow in order to become signs and instruments of love, generous acceptance, beauty, and peace, wherever we find ourselves”.

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