Why Did Jesus Always Multiply More Than Was Needed?

A Resurrectionist Vocation Minute for July 28, 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Why Did Jesus Always Multiply More Than Was Needed?

It’s interesting… Jesus knew the needs of the people, the number of individuals present, the extent of their hunger, and the size of their stomachs; he could have multiplied the exact amount needed without any excess. Yet, He provided more than what was needed, leaving twelve baskets full of leftovers.
A vocation to religious life is an expression of His abundant grace.

Our entire life and work in the Congregation is to give glory to God, because He is infinite goodness and love. In gratitude for His love and goodness to us, we desire to respond to God’s invitation by our life and vocation, offering Him love for love. “We, for our part, love because He first loved us”

For more about vocation discernment, contact [email protected]