Sunday November 19th is the seventh annual World Day of the Poor. Pope Francis strongly urges all of us to step outside our own walls and encounter the poor everywhere in our society.
This year’s theme is taken from the book of Tobias: “Do not turn your face away from anyone who is poor” (Tb 4:7)
Prayer Inspired by the Holy Father Francis’ Message for the VII World Day of the Poor
Oh Lord Jesus Christ crucified and risen,
with joy we gather around Your Table to receive anew from You
the gift and the commitment to live in poverty
and to serve the poor, in whom we encounter Your face.
We thank You that there are so many men and women
who live out their dedication to the poor and marginalized
and share with them,
paying attention to the holistic uplifting of their person.
Your Kingdom is made present and visible
in this generous and free service.
Enlighten public institutions so that they do their duty well,
guaranteeing to human beings the right to life, physical integrity,
indispensable means for a dignified standard of living,
the right to security in case of illness, disability, widowhood,
old age, or unemployment.
Oh Holy Spirit, who give us discernment,
under Your guidance may we recognize the true needs
of our poor brothers and sisters.
Make us able to lend them our voice in their causes,
welcoming the mysterious wisdom You wish to communicate to us
through them who are children of God.
Oh St. Therese of the Child Jesus,
may the tenacity of your love inspire our hearts,
helping us to not turn our gaze away from the poor,
but to keep it always fixed on the human and divine face
of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Amen. Alleluia!