Apostles of the Resurrection
As Resurrectionists we invite lay people to live out their vocation to holiness by sharing in our Resurrectionist spirituality, and to work with us for the resurrection of society by embracing our Charism and Mission in their everyday lives. In order to commit himself or herself more fully, a lay person may wish to become our Lay Associate – an Apostle of the Resurrection.

Novena to St. Mary Magdalene
The Apostles of the Resurrection invite you to pray with us a Novena to St. Mary Magdalene,
our Patron Saint, and the Apostle to the Apostles, whose Feast Day is July 22.
Apostles' Current Initiatives
The Apostles of the Resurrection are active in ministry alongside the Resurrectionists. Below are some of our current committees and initiatives. Perhaps you are being called to join us and minister with us!
ARC - Apostles of the Resurrection Connect
Prayer Intention Committee
Retreat & Communal Prayer Committee
Ministry to the CRs
Mission Committee
Communications Committee
Become a Member
Want more information on this dynamic group?
Our “Apostles Handbook” which includes all of the important details regarding this special program, is available for downloading below. Copies of this handbook are available in all of our CR parishes and at future meetings (as well as mailed out upon request)
If you would like to know more about the “Apostles of the Resurrection” you are welcome to attend any or all of our meetings –please contact us for more details.
You can download the Application Form and the Pastoral Reference Letter below.