National Indigenous History Month

June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, an opportunity for us to take time to learn about the histories, cultures, challenges and strengths of First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples throughout Turtle Island. 

Community Preached Retreat

The Canadian Province of the Resurrectionists were privileged to have been on retreat last week (May 22 –26, 2023) at Resurrection College/Manor. 

Luminous Mysteries Rosary

Today we pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. May our prayer unite to work for the renewal of society and the resurrection of all people.

Glorious Mysteries Rosary

Today we prayer the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. May our prayer unite to work for the renewal of society…

Funeral of Br. Ed Benson, CR

On Monday May 8th, we celebrated the Mass of Christian Burial to bid farewell to our brother Resurrectionist, Br. Ed Benson, CR

Joyful Mysteries Rosary

Each week in May, the Month of Mary, we invite you to pray the Rosary with us, Brothers and Apostles in the Congregation of the Resurrection.