Discontinuation of Celebrating the Word
We regret to inform you that ‘Celebrating the Word’ will no longer be available through our Resurrectionist Community. Dear friends, participants in ‘Celebrating the Word’, Greetings from some of the […]
Provincial Chapter
From July 4th – 7th, the CRs met for their triennial Provincial Chapter to pray, review, discern, and discuss where we are at and what the Holy Spirit might be calling us to as we move forward together into the future.
CRs have been on retreat
From June 27th to July 1st, the CRs welcomed Fr. Gilles Mongeau, SJ and Fr. Adam Lalonde, SJ who led us on our first in-person annual provincial retreat since COVID. Check out this video to hear more about it!
Funeral of Fr. Fred Scinto CR
On Saturday July 2nd, we celebrated the Mass of Christian Burial to bid farewell to our brother Resurrectionist, Fr. Fred Scinto, CR at the age of 85, after 60 years of consecrated life and 54 years of ordained priesthood.
An Interview with Fr. Jim Donohue, CR on going to Tanzania
Fr. Jim Donohue, CR speaks about his experience in Tanzania, his thoughts and feelings as he prepares for his new assignment in our Resurrectionist Mission in Tanzania.
Congratulations to our Jubilarians!
On Friday July 1st, we celebrated our first in-person Jubilarian celebration since COVID.
Historic Celebration at St. Agatha Parish
On Wednesday, June 29th on the Solemnity of Ss. Peter and Paul, members of the Ontario Kentucky Province of the Congregation of the Resurrection gathered to celebrate the Eucharist with Bishop Crosby, the Bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton, to mark the end of 165 years of Resurrectionist ministry at St. Agatha Parish.
A Birthday and a Farewell
On Thursday, June 16th the members of the St. Agatha Religious House gathered for a meal to celebrate the 80th birthday of Fr. Sudie MacDonald, as well as to send off one of its members, Fr. Jim Donohue, as he prepares for his new assignment to the Resurrectionist Mission in Tanzania.