12th Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 23, 2024

Like the disciples and the early Christians in Mark’s community, we too can feel overwhelmed and afraid. But precisely in these situations the words of the Risen Christ continue to speak to us, reminding us that there is nothing that can ever come between us and the love of God in Christ Jesus. Let us not be afraid…

Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ – June 2, 2024

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.  We celebrate the new covenant between God and humanity, which our Risen Lord sealed with his very body and blood, offered for us on the cross.

The Most Holy Trinity – May 26, 2024

Participating in this paschal dynamic will lead us to live lives of ever deepening self-giving love.  Whenever we do this, we give evidence that we are made in the image of the Trinitarian God who loves precisely in this way.

Pentecost Sunday – May 19, 2024

On this Pentecost Sunday, let us open ourselves to the power of the Spirit, just as it descended upon the apostles, so that we too might go forth and proclaim the Good News,

Ascension of the Lord – May 12, 2024

Recently, we experienced a full eclipse of the sun, which rarely happens in a generation. It was incredible to see so many people gathering in places where they could comfortably park or sit and await the phenomenon of nature.

6th Sunday of Easter – May 5, 2024

The message in today’s gospel is probably the most likely response to a fundamental question, “what does it mean to be a Catholic”, or “what must I do to attain eternal life”?