3rd Sunday of Easter – April 14, 2024

Things are not always as they appear. In the gospel, the Risen Jesus asks His disciples for some food. In the Greek it is phrased: “You give me something to eat.”

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion – March 24, 2024

Our faith is founded on convictions, not on feelings or the influence of the crowd (as seen in the gospels).  Our accompanying of Jesus during this Holy Week, and its rich liturgies, confirms in us our will to be faithful to God, and live lives that bear witness to Jesus. 

5th Sunday of Lent – March 17, 2024

In our first reading, from the prophet Jeremiah, we are told that all people, from the least to greatest, will come to know God.  They will come to this knowledge through the forgiveness of their evildoing, their sins. 

2nd Sunday of Lent – February 25, 2024

Those who climb the mountain (or like last week, go into the desert) experience being alone and isolated, alone and isolated from the ‘other voices’, so that alone with God, and isolated from the distractions and noise of everyday life we may listen to the words of Jesus.