CR House of Theology

Join Frs. Pawel, Raph, and Toby for the first meeting of House of Theology, a series where Resurrectionists and students come together to explore big theological ideas.

You Say

Although Jesus asks his disciples in today’s Gospel: “who do you say that I am?”, have you ever asked the same question of Jesus?  “Jesus, who do you say that I am?”  The answer is your vocation.

Feeling Unworthy?

The Church has always seen consecrated life as a special path – but not the only path – to holiness, calling it the “way or state of perfection.”

What was your Most Memorable Meal?

At the risk of oversimplifying, it can be said that every Christian vocation finds its source in the Eucharist, because the attitude and purpose Jesus had in mind when He celebrated the Last Supper, was you and me – and He still does at every Mass. 

I Am the Bread of Life

A vocation to religious life is not just about our individual path but about how we can be bread for others, offering them our love, care, and hope.

CR Dinner & Discernment

CR Dinner & Discernment
Every Last Saturday of the Month
Mass 5pm, Evening Prayer 6:30pm, Followed by Dinner
St. Mary’s Parish – Kitchener