Fear and Discernment

The gift of the Fear of the Lord gives direction to our fears.  When the fear of separating ourselves from God – because we love God – is really the one thing we fear most,

Have you tried asking?

Even Jesus thought during his public ministry that there were not enough labourers for the harvest!  This is not a problem unique to our time. 

You’re Invited

Our Divine invitation, our vocation, our call, addressed to each one of us: to enter this mystery of love…

Spirit, lead.

The Holy Spirit alone leads us on the way from within, and brings us back when we go astray. What is the way that the Holy Spirit is pointing out for you to go?

I am with you always

We’re on a journey towards Heaven, and Jesus has not left us on our own.  A lot of our worries and concerns…

Be Sealed

In this Sunday’s first reading, we hear about the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

This is the Way

Jesus’ claim is an all-encompassing one, yet not an “exclusive” one – because Jesus isolates no one, and chooses to remain in relationship with everyone – even with those who reject him. 

How do I hear God’s call?

This is what this Sunday’s Gospel is about: “He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out… …and the sheep follow him because they know his voice.” 

Pilgrims on a Journey

At the level of our individual vocations, like the disciples on the Road to Emmaus, we too are “on the way,” we are pilgrims on a journey.