December 10
FOCAL POINT: “Convinced of God’s unconditional love for us, we herald the liberation and salvation of each person and society as a passage from death to life in which every […]
FOCAL POINT: “Convinced of God’s unconditional love for us, we herald the liberation and salvation of each person and society as a passage from death to life in which every […]
FOCAL POINT: “We call others, especially youth and families, to communities of the Risen Christ in which faith, hope and love radiate as a sign of union with Christ and […]
FOCAL POINT: “Our Congregation must be a model of Christian community in which people are one in heart and mind.” (Mission Statement) Deceased: Fr. Jan Giecewicz, 1936, Vienna, Austria […]
FOCAL POINT: “We reach out to all people through our pastoral-educational ministry but especially join in solidarity with people diminished by unjust structures.” (Mission Statement) Deceased: Fr. Franciszek Zachara, […]
FOCAL POINT: “We assist the laity in their own efforts to become prophets to the world and to transform it by providing them with a deeper experience of the paschal […]
FOCAL POINT: “As an international Community, we assist each other in various parts of the world by sharing our ministries, experiences and resources.” (Mission Statement) Deceased: Br. Antonio Folcarelli, […]
FOCAL POINT: “We share Christ’s own desire to enkindle the fire of divine love in the heart of every person on this earth.” (Mission Statement) Deceased: Fr. Walerian Kalinka, […]
FOCAL POINT: As we strive to live Community, which is to be a true reflection of the Paschal Mystery, let us surrender ourselves to God, allowing the power of the […]
FOCAL POINT: We are called to be open to the Church’s call for the preferential option for the poor in our present and future apostolates. Deceased: Cl. Pawel Dembinski, […]
FOCAL POINT: “The Congregation of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ began in Paris, France, on February 17, 1836, under the leadership of Bogdan Janski.” (Historical Preface) Deceased: […]
FOCAL POINT: “After the death of the Founder on July 2, 1840, his disciples under the direction of Peter Semenenko and Jerome Kajsiewicz, the co-Founders of the Congregation, continued to […]
FOCAL POINT: “On Easter Sunday, March 27, 1842, along with five other confreres, they professed their first religious vows in the Catacombs of St. Sebastian in Rome.” (Historical Preface) […]