Fourth Sunday of Advent
FOCAL POINT: “The first rule was written during the Lenten season of 1842 and became the basis for community life and personal sanctification.” (Historical Preface) Deceased: Fr. Stanislaus Siatka, […]
FOCAL POINT: “The first rule was written during the Lenten season of 1842 and became the basis for community life and personal sanctification.” (Historical Preface) Deceased: Fr. Stanislaus Siatka, […]
FOCAL POINT: “They were now inspired to dedicate themselves to the Risen Saviour and to call themselves the ‘Brothers of the Resurrection.’” (Historical Preface) Deceased: Br. Feliks Piechota, 1917, […]
FOCAL POINT: “They were now dead to sin and alive with the Risen Christ in a new life dedicated to truth and charity.” (Historical Preface) For a strengthening of […]
Deceased: Cl. Josef Janaszkiewicz, 1893, Lwow, Poland Br. Jan Widuch, 1912, Krakow, Poland For the Church, our Congregation, parents, relatives, friends and benefactors. For blessings upon all Resurrectionists and […]
FOCAL POINT: Love of God, for one another, and for the people we serve is a characteristic of the Congregation of the Resurrection. Deceased: Fr. Mitchell Pawelko, 1996, Des […]
FOCAL POINT: “May the generous living of these Constitutions encourage all the members of this institute to an ever-deeper commitment to announce and give witness to the Paschal Mystery with […]
FOCAL POINT: Reflection on the Charism and Mission of the Congregation will bring greater appreciation for our call to the Congregation. Deceased: Fr. John Bulbrook, 1969, Quebec, Canada […]
FOCAL POINT: By the example of love of Community we give witness to the fact that Christ is alive and present in the world today. Deceased: Fr. Gary Palangio, […]
FOCAL POINT: Resurrectionists strive, with the help of God, to remove from their lives anything that can separate them from God. Deceased: Fr. Anthony Fischer, 1939, London, Canada Fr. […]
FOCAL POINT: The Congregation is a faith community, in which each member is shown the same love and acceptance which he enjoys from God. Deceased: Br. Aloysius Jeske, 1906, […]
FOCAL POINT: “Besides daily participation in morning prayers and evening prayers, each religious will spend at least one hour each day in private prayer and reflection.” (Con. 70) Deceased: […]
FOCAL POINT: “The response of the individual to the call of Christ to personally imitate His life of chastity, poverty and obedience by a life lived in the Congregation marks […]