Visitors from Mount St. Mary University – Part 5

Fr. Jim Donohue.

The last initiative we took on the Mount Tanzanian trip was to visit some fishing villages on Lake Victoria, which is the 2nd largest freshwater lake in the world. I think you know the largest; the answer is at the end of the blog! Our boat:

Our Captain! Our Captain! Captain Charles Strauss!

Mt. St. Mary 5-4

Captain Charles Strauss’ crew. He did not want to rely upon us to sail the ship!

We saw many interesting rock formations on the way to the fishing villages.

At the first fishing village, we were shown the huge rocks where the fishermen dry out the small fish before sale.

We stopped for a drink at the Vatican Bar!

We had a trail of followers throughout our journey on the fishing island.

On another island, we walked up a large hill for a beautiful panoramic view.

We learned that they fish at night with these lights, until the moon shines.

Perhaps this last photo sums up the 2024 Mount students’ experience in Tanzania.

I hope you enjoyed the blogs this year. I will be on vacation in the USA and in Canada from the end of August until the beginning of October. I will resume the blogs after that. (The answer to the question at the beginning: Lake Superior!)

More to come on in October 2024.

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