General Visitation Begins

As our General Visitation begins Fr. Evandro shared with us some of the joys of the [Resurrectionist] community on an international level, including the growth of our presence…

Michaels – Mission Life in Tanzania

On the feast of the Archangels the priests in the Diocese of Musoma gather at the cathedral for Mass with the Bishop, Bishop Michael Msonganzila, who celebrated his Name’s Day (St. Michael).

The Church Needs Youth

The Church needs your originality, impact, enthusiasm, creativity, witness & youthfulness!

Nkyamko Outstation & Gymnasium

Mission Life in Tanzania. On Sunday, September 25, Br. Michael and I went to another outstation called Nkyamko. That week I also visited the new gymnasium

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Keep up to date by following the Congregation of the Resurrection on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube!

A Pastoral Letter to Young People

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued A Pastoral Letter to Young People, inviting all to “Arise and become who you are”.

Home Sweet Home

My suite of rooms that I have in the Buhemba parish is in the building that usually houses the novitiate. Previous inhabitants were Fr. Andrzej and Br. Michael. In the bedroom, you can notice the “mosquito preventions”: mosquito netting and electric “tennis” mosquito killer! So far, there have been few casualties.

Celebration of Farewell at St. Joseph Parish

On Thursday October 6, parishioners of St. Joseph Parish in Hamilton gathered in gratitude for the Congregation of the Resurrection’s 89 years of ministry at St. Joseph Parish, and for the most recent ministry of Fr. Jim Link, CR.

Funeral of Fr. Pat McKelvie, CR

On Wednesday September 28th, we celebrated the Mass of Christian Burial to bid farewell to our brother Resurrectionist, Fr. Pat McKelvie, CR at the age of 76, in his 58th year of religious life and 45th year of ordained priesthood.