Who are you living for?

The truth is, all of us – no matter what our vocation is – are called to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind.  Priests and consecrated persons don’t necessarily do this better than anyone else. 

Whose are you?

We belong to the one whose image we bear. Sometimes we can fall into thinking that my vocation, what God is perhaps calling me to, is something other than who I am.

What’s your place in the vineyard?

If you’ve been paying attention to the past two Sundays, this Sunday is the third time Jesus gives a parable having to do with a vineyard. 

Do I have a choice?

God really does give us a choice.  And God even gives us the freedom to say No.  The real question is – what is it that we are really choosing by our Yes or No?

Nobody ever asked me!

Often in our lives, the simplest things can be the most life changing.  In today’s Gospel, the reply of the people standing around in marketplace is – nobody ever asked us. 

…as I had mercy on you?

If you’ve ever tried asking God to reveal to you what your vocation is, you’ve probably experienced having to wait for an answer. 

Are You Listening?

Every genuine vocation, no matter what it is – is built on a healthy relationship with God.  And a healthy relationship with God…

What are you holding on to?

Congregation of Resurrection - Donation Background Image.

This same paradox is also present when it comes to discovering your vocation.  Very often, our fear of letting go – even for a single day…