Christmas in Buhemba: Preparations Part 1

One of the most important preparations for Christmas in the Buhemba parish is to visit the sick and elderly who will not be able to come to church on Christmas Day.

Perpetual Vows of Vitalis and Joseph: Part I

Fr. Paul Voisin, C.R., our Superior General, was the first to arrive in Morogoro on December 6 so that he could receive the vows of Vitalis Masika and Joseph Chacha on December 8th.

Tire Puncture at Kizaru Matongo

I am sure that you had figured out what had happened before Mass at Kizaru Matongo outstation. Yes, we had a tire puncture!

Mirwa and Kizaru Matongo Outstations

I went to the Mirwa Outstation with Brother Michael on Sunday, October 2 for the 7:00 am Mass. The children sit in a special section at the front…