Mission: Tanzania!
Follow along as Fr. Jim shares his experience on his new assignment for our Resurrectionist mission in Tanzania!

The BIG 70!
Everyone in the Formation House made Fr. Jim Donohue’s 70th birthday a very special day.

Who’s Who in Morogoro?
It is not easy to connect all the seminarians with their names and their year of study. Let’s meet all our Seminarians!

Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”
… we began last year to use Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Thursday Adoration
On Thursdays we have Adoration and Benediction at 6:30 p.m. and then evening prayer at 7:00 p.m.

Valentine’s Day and Founders’ Day
Celebrating Valentines Day and Founders’ Day in Morogoro!

Clean-Up Time
We all know that it takes everyone to contribute to community life. These small tasks, such as washing the dishes and setting the tables, add a great deal to our life together.

We have a tradition of celebrating the important days of the Liturgical Year, but also celebrating the events of life: graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, and name’s days.

Sunday Eucharist
On Sundays I have Mass with the seminarians and the aspirants. Sometimes we are joined by the Blessed Sacrament Sisters, who are neighbors to us.

Merry Morogoro Christmas – Part 1
Preparations for Christmas in Morogoro included a good cleaning, and building a stable for the nativity!

Meet the Two Brother Candidates
At present, we have two young men who are in the beginning stages of becoming Brothers in the Congregation of the Resurrection,

Meet the Ten New Aspirants
I caught the aspirants in the midst of their daily outdoor jobs of raking, gardening, sweeping, and caring for the property. I have included a photo of each at work.