Baptisms at St. Theresa’s Small Community
Saturday, October 1st is the feast of St. Theresa; there is small Christian community just a block from the parish church where people gathered for baptisms and Eucharist…
St. Petro’s Small Community
Early on Saturday morning, seminarians Bryan and Gervas walked with me to celebrate Mass at the small Christian community of St. Petro. Although it was early…
October for Mary
The beginning of October heralds a parish celebration of the rosary. We gathered at the main church for the inaugural prayer service, which would then move to the Marian grotto for the rosary.
Nkyamko Outstation & Gymnasium
Mission Life in Tanzania. On Sunday, September 25, Br. Michael and I went to another outstation called Nkyamko. That week I also visited the new gymnasium
St. Francis Community and Nyaburundu Outstation
There are some small Christian communities that we visit on Saturdays. Br. Michael and I went to the St. Francis Christian community on September 24.
Home Sweet Home
My suite of rooms that I have in the Buhemba parish is in the building that usually houses the novitiate. Previous inhabitants were Fr. Andrzej and Br. Michael. In the bedroom, you can notice the “mosquito preventions”: mosquito netting and electric “tennis” mosquito killer! So far, there have been few casualties.
Arrival in Buhemba (II)
The main church in St. John Paul II parish was full. The choir provided great music and singing, with the full participation of everyone. Fr. Andrzej was the presider and […]
Arrival in Buhemba (I)
After stopping for lunch at Butiama to visit with Fr. Philip, Br. Mosses, and our seminarians Audax and Jerome, we drove to St. John Paul II Parish in Buhemba. Present […]
Trip to Buhemba (II)
I found out that the seminarians’ vacation is not totally about “time off.” In Tanzania, they are expected to visit and to help out at their local parish when they […]
Trip to Buhemba (I)
Fr. Andrzej, Emmanuel and I left Morogoro on Thursday, September 15 to travel to Buhemba. We were joined by our cook, Pendo, whose family lives in Singida, a stop along […]