Easter Sunday in Tanzania – Part 1
I was up the next morning at 5:00 a.m. to practice some of the prayers, the gospel, and my homily one last time.
Easter Vigil in Tanzania
Fr. Yohana and I each baptized about 25 people at the Easter Vigil Mass.
Easter Triduum in Tanzania: Holy Thursday & Good Friday
We divided our responsibilities for the Triduum. I led the Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Fr. Yohana led the Way of the Cross and the Good Friday Service.
Palm / Passion Sunday – Part 2
Everything was ready for our Palm/Passion Sunday procession and Eucharist.
Palm / Passion Sunday in Tanzania – Part 1
It was Palm/Passion Sunday and I knew that there would be “extra” things to prepare.
Chrism Mass in Musoma
Our Holy Week started on Thursday, March 30th when Fr. Maciej, Fr. Yohana, Br. Michael, and I participated in the Chrism Mass with Bishop Michael Msonganzila in the Diocese of Musoma.
Filling in at Butiama
Fr. Phillip and Br. Mosses were invited to visit the Galilee Ministry Project in Poland.
A Baptism in Magunga
Late Friday afternoon in early February, Fr. Maciej came to my room and asked me if I thought I could manage to do a Baptism at the Sunday Mass in Magunga.
Someone had a Birthday – Part 2
After our incredible birthday meal, there was still more…two more cakes and more celebrating…first with the choir in the main church and then with the women’s group.
Someone Had a Birthday – Part 1
Before the conclusion of Mass on my birthday, Fr. Maciej invited me to sit in a chair in front of the altar.