
What is discernment?
Genuine “discernment” is not about trying to make God fit into my way of seeing things. It’s about being open to seeing things as God sees them.

Fixing Things in Tanzania
The Formation House in Morogoro is about seven or eight years old, but there are many things that need repair.

Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ – June 2, 2024
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. We celebrate the new covenant between God and humanity, which our Risen Lord sealed with his very body and blood, offered for us on the cross.

A Day of Discernment: Come and See Day at St. Mary’s Parish
On Saturday, May 25th, St. Mary’s Rectory hosted an important event called “Come and See Day.” This initiative was designed to assist young men in discerning their call to religious life…

What does it mean to receive Christ’s Body and Blood?
When Jesus shared the bread and wine, saying, “This is my Body” and “This is my Blood”, He invited His disciples into a covenant relationship, a deep participation in His life and mission.

Come and See in May
Near the middle of April and through the beginning of May we were visited by seven young men who are interested in joining our community.