
Buhemba Parish Welcomes Fr. Evandro Part 1

It takes about 30-40 minutes to drive between the parish in Butiama and the parish in Buhemba. It seems that word spread quickly that we were returning to the Buhemba parish for a few days. We had a great “informal” greeting at the gate!

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Via Lucis – Way of Light

The Canadian Province of the Congregation of the Resurrection has produced our own Via Lucis, and this Easter Season we want to share excerpts of it with you.  Stay tuned each week for another Step on the Way of Light!

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Set Out

What it means to “set out” is going to look different for each one of us based on what is going on in our life right now and the choices we face. 

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Fr. Evandro Visits the Resurrection Sisters

After the tour of the Butiama parish, we met with Fr. Phillip and then, afterwards, had a wonderful lunch. Fr. Andrzej joined us for lunch and then all of us drove the short distance to visit the Resurrection Sisters in Buturu.

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