
Via Lucis – Way of Light
The Seventh Step on the Way of Light
The Risen Lord Strengthens Thomas’ Faith.

2nd Sunday of Easter – April 7, 2024
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
(Hebrews 11:1)

Where Do You Need Christ’s Peace in Your Life?
Is there an area where you desperately need such peace and God’s presence? Christ continues to infuse our lives with peace and courage, empowering us to proclaim His message of hope.

Buhemba Parish Welcomes Fr. Evandro Part 1
It takes about 30-40 minutes to drive between the parish in Butiama and the parish in Buhemba. It seems that word spread quickly that we were returning to the Buhemba parish for a few days. We had a great “informal” greeting at the gate!

Via Lucis – Way of Light
The Canadian Province of the Congregation of the Resurrection has produced our own Via Lucis, and this Easter Season we want to share excerpts of it with you. Stay tuned each week for another Step on the Way of Light!

Easter Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection – March 31, 2024
Today’s gospel would make a good movie. It starts with a woman approaching a grave while it is still dark. Cue suspenseful music.