
3rd Sunday of Advent – December 15, 2024
We have arrived at the Third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday. The pink candle, is lit, reminding us to “Rejoice in the Lord always,” as St. Paul tells us. Rejoice, exult, be glad we are urged.

Can You Move From Questioning to Action?
The people didn’t just ask for advice; they were ready to respond. Will you find the courage to move from questioning into a commitment?

Meet the Two Brother Candidates
At present, we have two young men who are in the beginning stages of becoming Brothers in the Congregation of the Resurrection,

2nd Sunday of Advent – December 8, 2024
John the Baptist urges us to examine the landscape of our lives so that we can see where we need to prepare a straight and solid road for the coming of Jesus Christ now and in the future.

Are You Stuck?
We often think that we have to come to God, and perhaps we feel stuck there too. But the good news is: it is the Advent of the Lord. God is coming to us. That makes a big difference.

Advent New Year’s Resolutions
This Advent New Year, we invite you to make a spiritual Advent New Year’s Resolution, something that you will do this Advent to actively prepare to welcome Jesus into your heart.