
Congratulations Rev. Dr. Pawel Szymanowski, CR, PhD
The Canadian Province of the Congregation of the Resurrection is honoured to congratulate our own Fr. Pawel Szymanowski, CR, who earned a Doctorate in Moral Theology…

Resurrectionist Martyrs – Br. Maksymilian Depczyński CR & Cl. Ignacy Sztukowski CR.
Commemorating our Martyrs during the month of November: Br. Makzymilian Depczynski and Cl. Ignacy Sztukowski, CR

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – November 10, 2024
Given the example of these two widows, the challenge for all of us is to never let us be motivated by fear, the fear of not having enough, or of sharing our country…

Do I Make a Difference?
in God’s eyes, efforts like the widow’s two small copper coins can be worth more than all the accomplishments of those who seemed to “make a difference” in this world.

New Year in the Formation House
We have two groups of young men at our Formation House in Morogoro. One group is made up of seminarians who study philosophy and theology…

Resurrectionist Martyrs – Rev. Kazimierz Pieniążek CR.
Commemorating our Martyrs during the month of November: Rev. Kazimierz Pieniazek, CR.