
Feeling Unworthy?
The Church has always seen consecrated life as a special path – but not the only path – to holiness, calling it the “way or state of perfection.”

Season of Creation 2024
The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to pray and respond together to the cry of Creation…

Feast of St. Louis
August 25 is the Memorial of St. Louis de France, the patron saint of one of the Resurrectionist Parishes, St. Louis Parish, in Waterloo.

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 25, 2024
In times of uncertainty, when our faith is tested, as it is sure to be in a changing Church, we must still trust in Christ. When he seems to ask us, “Will you too go” we must reply, “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

Searching for Purpose? Who Can You Trust to Guide You?
In times of uncertainty, we may ask like Peter, “Lord, to whom can we go?” This simple yet profound question reflects the deep human longing for guidance and purpose, especially when discerning our vocation.

Religious Vows in Tanzania
Father Evandro Miranda Rosa, Superior General, received the vows from the Tanzanian brothers on August 15, 2024.