
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 12, 2023
Today’s readings start off simply: “before us are life and death, whichever we choose will be given to us” (from Sirach 15: 17). Do we choose life or death?

World Day of the Sick 2023
In his message for this World Day of the Sick, Pope Francis recalls the parable of the Good Samaritan.

Discerning a vocation to religious life is not about finding that perfect community with the rules, customs, and lifestyle that appeal to us.

Another Tire Puncture and a Few Other Events
Francis Peter Kapanda was completing his summer pastoral work in Butiama, and he came to visit Br. Michael and Gervas Sililo, …

Bishop Crosby’s Address for World Day for Consecrated Life
On February 2, World Day for Consecrated Life, the Congregation of the Resurrection was honoured to welcome Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI, to offer words of inspiration

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 5, 2023
Some of you will remember the hymn They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love. I think of it often, especially when I see so-called Christian countries exemplifying the opposite behaviour.