
A Baptism in Magunga
Late Friday afternoon in early February, Fr. Maciej came to my room and asked me if I thought I could manage to do a Baptism at the Sunday Mass in Magunga.

4th Sunday of Lent – March 19, 2023
While many of us treasure the season of Lent as a time of preparation for the renewal of our Baptismal promises at Easter,

Mini Retreat for the Fourth Sunday of Lent
The Apostles of the Resurrection Retreat Committee invites you to join them in mini retreats each Sunday in Lent.

Now I See
In the fifth episode of the first season of the popular TV series called “The Chosen” – an imaginative portrayal of the life of Jesus and His first disciples…

Shroud of Turin
On Monday March 20th, St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish in Hamilton will welcome Fr. Gary Schlack for evening Mass at 6:30 pm.

Someone had a Birthday – Part 2
After our incredible birthday meal, there was still more…two more cakes and more celebrating…first with the choir in the main church and then with the women’s group.