
Set Out
What it means to “set out” is going to look different for each one of us based on what is going on in our life right now and the choices we face.

Fr. Evandro Visits the Resurrection Sisters
After the tour of the Butiama parish, we met with Fr. Phillip and then, afterwards, had a wonderful lunch. Fr. Andrzej joined us for lunch and then all of us drove the short distance to visit the Resurrection Sisters in Buturu.

Journey Through Lent – Palm Sunday
On this Palm Sunday, Bishop Hagemoen provides a reflection on the passion of Christ.

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion – March 24, 2024
Our faith is founded on convictions, not on feelings or the influence of the crowd (as seen in the gospels). Our accompanying of Jesus during this Holy Week, and its rich liturgies, confirms in us our will to be faithful to God, and live lives that bear witness to Jesus.

Love of God Fully Revealed in the Paschal Mystery
Understanding Jesus’ suffering and death as part of the Paschal Mystery involves viewing them in the context of his Resurrection. For resurrectionists, the Paschal Mystery is at the heart of their message. Could it be that God is also calling you to spread this Good News with others?

Fr. Evandro Visits Butiama
After the weekend, Fr. Evandro, Francesco and I drove to Butiama to meet with Fr. Phillip and Br. Mosses.